Here’s what we think are the Best iPhone 6 and 6s cases based on actually using the products
*Dec 2016 Update – Removed Pelican Marine, Added Dog & Bone Wetsuit Impact
*Aug 2016 Update – Added in the Pelican Marine and ProShot Case
*June 2016 Update – Added in leather wallets and the Rhinoshield SolidSuit
*May 2016 Update – Added in our top picks for camera cases
So what are the best cases out there for the iPhone 6(s+)? At Mobile Reviews Eh, we’ve taken the time to use over 100+ iPhone cases in the last while to come up with this list. The iPhone cases listed below may not be the highest rated cases, but we feel that despite their shortcomings, they are the best in their class.
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The Best Slim iPhone 6/6s case (Pre-order phase) – Rhinoshield SolidSuit Leather (Amazon)
The Best Slim iPhone 6/6s case (until the SolidSuit is official out) – Rhinoshield Playproof (Amazon)
The Best iPhone 6/6s Bumper – K11 Bumper by Thanotech (Amazon)
The Best Tough iPhone 6/6s Case – Griffin Survivor Summit (Amazon)
The Best All-Weather iPhone 6/6s Case – Dog & Bone Wetsuit Impact (Amazon)
The Best Waterproof iPhone 6/6s Case – ProShot Case(Buy Direct)
The Best iPhone 6/6s case for 1-handed usage – Loopy Cases (Amazon)
The Best iPhone 6/6s case for action video – Hitcase Snap (Amazon)
The Best iPhone 6/6s case for still photography – Moment Lens & Moment Case (Amazon)
The Best iPhone 6/6s wallet case – Danny P Leather Wallet (Amazon)
If you’re looking for all the cases that we’ve reviewed for each class, you can find them here for slim cases, for tough cases and waterproof cases.
We rate all the cases, in the same manner, to ensure consistency and each product get used for at least a week before we sit down and create a review for the product.
The Best Slim iPhone 6/6s case – Rhinoshield Playproof
The Rhinoshield SolidSuit Leather is the BEST iPhone 6s(+) case we have ever used. It’s slim, light and provides an incredible amount of drop protection for your iPhone.
Our biggest complaint about the Rhinoshield Playproof was the lack of grip on the case, but the SolidSuit Leather addresses that problem. Using the iPhone in the SolidSuit is an absolute joy. Click here for the full review or check to see if Amazon has any in stock!
**The SolidSuit is still under pre-orders right now. If you need a case RIGHT NOW, check out the PlayProof as it was the previously best slim iPhone 6/6s case that we’ve reviewed.
We’re still quite fond of the Thule Atmos X4 despite having it score a little lower than the Rhinoshield Playproof and SolidSuit. The X4 is a bit wider than the Rhinoshield cases, but the tapered edges make the iPhone feel very stable in your hand, and the buttons are great to use.
The Best iPhone 6/6s Bumper – K11 Bumper by Thanotech
There is basically a two-way tie for bumpers but we’ll give the K11 Bumper the edge over the Rhinoshield Crashguard only because it looks amazing. Thanotech does an amazing job matching the design of the iPhone while keeping the bumper thin, light and droppable from a height of 6 ft. The only downside that we’ve found is that the aluminum will bend out of shape a bit after a couple of drops which will affect the fit so if you’re clumsy with expensive devices, you might want to consider the runner-up in this category. Click here for the full review or get it on Amazon now.
The Rhinoshield Crashguard is a great bumper and allows the iPhone to take a massive beating. In fact, this tiny bumper provides more drop protection than many of the tough cases that we’ve reviewed. Evolutive Labs revamped the product in September 2015 to address many of the issues that you may have seen in the Amazon reviews.
The Best Tough iPhone 6/6s Case – Griffin Summit
Tough iPhone cases are generally disappointing. They’re stuck between offering lackluster access to your iPhone while offering all the maddening sound deficiencies of waterproof cases. The only redeeming feature for many of these cases is the fact that though cases usually come with belt holsters.
Out of the dozen’s of tough cases that we’ve reviewed, the only one that remotely impressed us is the Griffin Summit. The buttons on the case are quite nice, and the entire design is a massive step above the Griffin All-Terrain. The gap between the iPhone’s touch screen is noticeable, but we like the unique design of the front cover sliding (rather than clipping) into the case (the video shows it best). Check out the full review or get it on Amazon now!
The Best All-Weather iPhone 6/6s Case – Dog & Bone Wetsuit Impact
The Dog & Bone Wetsuit Impact is a unique case. It’s thin, lightweight and comes with a glass screen protector. If you’ve read the full review, you may have noticed that the screen on our iPhone 6 Plus version was cracked. We’ve been using the iPhone 7 version of the case for the last few weeks and after dozens of installs, the screen protector hasn’t cracked so they must have improved it (it’s very flexible).
The Wetsuit Impact is a thin case though the backside of the case is a bit slick so it may slide around a bit easier than other cases. This waterproof iPhone case is drop-rated and waterproof to 6.6 ft/2m. For our Dog & Bone Wetsuit Impact, we’ve given this case a score of 4.3 Eh’s out of 5. It rates quite a bit higher than every other waterproof case that we’ve reviewed.
See if Amazon has any in stock!
If you’re looking for an alternative to the Wetsuit Impact, check out the Pelican Marine. Especially if you have trouble getting the Wetsuit Impact. Check out a comparison table between the Pelican Marine and Wetsuit Impact.
The Best Waterproof iPhone 6/6s Case – ProShot Case
We’ve had a bit of fun using this case over the last couple of months, and we’ll tell you this: the next time we go snorkelling, we’re putting our iPhone in the ProShot. Over the HitCase Pro, over the Optrix XD6.
The ProShot is the only case where we’re confident that we won’t be losing any footage from our water-based adventures.
For our ProShot review, we’ve given this case a score of 3.9 Eh’s out of 5. It edges out the Optrix XD6 as well as the HitCase Pro, but it doesn’t mean its the best case between the three because that will depend on what you’re going to be using the case for. More on that in our full review.
The ProShot is one of the biggest cases we’ve used and isn’t very usable when you’re done being awesome. But it’s the only case that is waterproof to 100 ft which allow you to go scuba-diving with an iPhone!
If you need more information check out this comparison between the HitCase and Optrix XD6, check out the review for more details or get it direct from ProShot!
The Best iPhone 6/6s case for 1-handed usage – Loopy Vibe
This may seem like a weird category to have but we’ve come across several 1-handed usage accessories that basically make the protection aspect of the aforementioned cases mute. Many people ask Aaron what his daily/favourite case, and it’s the Loopy Vibe. The idea is simple but incredibly effective.
The Loopy Vibe provides the easiest, quickest, 1-handed usage of any functional iPhone accessory. It prevents #PhoneFace when you’re lying on your back watching cat videos on Facebook or allows you to flip your iPhone easily over to grab a drink while eating a piece of pizza with another.
The moment your finger is in the loop, there is almost no chance that you are going to drop your iPhone. Watch our review video to see Aaron play “iPhone Yo-Yo” with the Loopy to see how well the Loopy works or you can see if you can get on Amazon!
The Best iPhone 6/6s case for action video – Hitcase Snap
The Hitcase Snap is the best iPhone case (that’s not waterproof) for the action videographer. We love that we can take your iPhone in this camera case where most people won’t. However, the lens quality isn’t as high as others but that’s a downside we’re willing to live with.
Mounting the lenses are incredibly straightforward and efficient, the ShootR pole works well (we attached an iPhone to the pole and spun it around Monty while riding a bike. You need to check out the review video for the complete setup) and like the Hitcase Pro, the Snap is compatible with GoPro mounts which means you can pretty put it anywhere you like.
If you’re wondering what other iPhone camera cases we reviewed, check out our comparison tool and if you’re sold on this camera, see if you can get it on Amazon!
The Best iPhone 6/6s case for still photography – Moment Case (and Lens)
The Moment Case is one of the coolest iPhone cases that we’ve used because it is the closest case that will turn your iPhone into a point and shoot camera. The shutter button connects to your iPhone through Bluetooth, which means a half shutter press results in the iPhone focusing on the subject. Just like a regular camera!
The only other case that is similar would be the Snap! Pro by Bitplay but that case isn’t wireless like the Moment.
We had an issue with installing the case and the small battery in the case but it’s not really a deal breaker. More like a nuisance.
The Moment Lens is the best wide angle lens that we’ve come across and can even be used without the Moment Case. You’ll have to check out the full review to see a couple of comparison photos between the Ztylus Z-Prime.
We had an issue in actually getting the Moment Case and Lens and as a result, which shouldn’t sway your decision to get this fine product but if we ever got out of the case review business, there’s a good chance we won’t get a Moment product. Looking to get this product? You could see if any are on Amazon but you might just have to go through their site.
The Best iPhone 6/6s wallet case – Danny P Leather Wallet
We’ll be honest with you. We don’t review many wallet cases because we find them annoying to use. Most products end up being an iPhone case with a couple of slots for cards or card & cash. This is not the case for the Danny P Leather Wallet case for the iPhone 6. It is a full wallet that allows you to carry an iPhone with it. The build quality of the portfolio is excellent and we were able to carry close to 10 cards, cash, and an access card in the wallet with an iPhone 6s.
There are two drawbacks to the wallet which involve the access it provides for your iPhone and the tightness of the sleeve as it can’t handle cases. For all the details, check out the full review or you could see if any are on Amazon.
Have questions about our “The Best iPhone 6 and 6s cases” post? Please ask them below, or on our Google+ page or our Facebook page or our About Us page. To stay up to date on everything we’re doing, check out our Twitter and Instagram feeds!

Matt Breig
March 13, 2016 at 4:47 pm
How did the Griffin case beat out the Ghostek case in the “tough” case category?
Does it have anything to do with the idea that the Gostek case is a great combination of both “Tough” and “Water-proof” but not necessarily the best in either category?
March 14, 2016 at 9:53 pm
Just finalizing my order for a Playproof for my spouse and myself. I caught a part in a previous/different review to go though your site – is there a link or a code or anything I can do to let them know that your reviews and comparison helped their product stand out as a clear choice for me?
Aaron Ho
March 14, 2016 at 10:04 pm
Tweeting them would probably be the easiest way.
March 14, 2016 at 9:58 pm
Oh – also when evaluating a case – do screen protectors add to the rated protection or is the case tested alone? I will probably include a Rhinoshield screen protector or myself, but I don’t think my partner can be convinced – will the 40x drops and 11 ft. height likely to hold up with the Playproof case without screen protection?
Thanks again
Aaron Ho
March 14, 2016 at 10:07 pm
Depends. A toss across uneven brick will most likely result in the screen reaching the ground in the drop but out of the 40 times I dropped it, only 1-2 drops ended with a bit of contact with the screen.
If you’re careful, you can get away without it. The edges on the case provide a bit of lift. If you need something and you’re careful with your devices, a glass screen protector would be good but if you want something that can take a beating, the Rhinoshield Impact shield by Evolutive Labs is tough to beat.
Bobby Hasbrook
March 23, 2016 at 8:40 pm
Hey Aaron,
I’ve binge watched a ton of your videos this morning, trying to find the perfect case for my iPhone 6s. I’m a professional surfer here in southern california, and usually if Im shooting, I use my Canon Mark III 5D, or my GoPro Hero 4 Black. But I would like to take my iPhone 6s in with me while surfing, taking shots of friends surfing, snap chatting while surfing & listening to music while surfing. Many of these waves can be pretty aggressive and have big thumping barreling shore break. I want to make sure my iPhone 6s will withstand at least a 10 foot wave. I’m not worried about having it fall out of my hand, I just want a waterproof case that can handle the water, plus headphones in the water. I look forward to your response! Here is a video of the type of stuff I’ve done with my go pro hero 3, I’d like to do with my iPhone6s for video and snapchat as well, as well as above the water surfing and following friends on waves behind them.
April 30, 2016 at 5:49 pm
What would you recommend as far as best shock proof case AND day to day waterproofing (I work with kids), so my phone always takes a lot of falls, and sometimes a light splash, I have watched several of your videos and they are all really informative but I can’t seem to figure out which water proof case has the best shock proofing too!
Aaron Ho
May 2, 2016 at 7:12 pm
If you have a 6s, the occasional light splash shouldn’t be an issue. The Playproof can take a beating but is a little slick..the X4 is a good choice as well.
May 6, 2016 at 6:24 pm
I ordered my daughter an I-Phone 6S but I will not give it to her until I find a strong case. I need your advice on the strongest case possible that can be water resistant because she has an issued with constantly dropping her phone and breaking the screen?
Also, I did notice that you did a reviw on the Griffin Summit as being a very strong case and I would like to know if I order her that case with the Rhinoshield Impact Shield will it work?
Thank you for taking the time to read this!
Aaron Ho
May 10, 2016 at 2:48 pm
The Summit doesn’t need another screen protector. It’s tough but will make the iPhone a little harder to use and it’s not pretty. Consider getting a Playproof with the Impact Shield. There’s not many cases that I would do this do it:
May 11, 2016 at 3:11 pm
Thanks for the useful and entertaining reviews! I will be purchasing a Rhinoshield Playproof for my new 6s Plus after watching your videos.
June 20, 2016 at 11:58 pm
That’s a lot of cases to review, great review 🙂
July 28, 2016 at 3:42 am
I am looking for an iPhone 6 case that is waterproof with a screen protector, but can also take a beating. Do you have any ideas?
March 14, 2017 at 7:09 pm
i am a landscaper and one of my primary concerns is dust and debis protection. specifically, i need the lightning charge and headphone jacks covered. what would be your top pick or picks for this?
thank you!
Aaron Ho
March 16, 2017 at 3:18 pm
I’d probably go with a waterproof case. The Marine or Catalyst would probably be a good choice.