Put your iPhone’s camera on steriods with these camera cases!
The cameras on the iPhone 6(s+) aren’t bad for taking pictures of everyday life. For the most part, we feel that they do better than the average point-and-shoot camera but what happens if you want a bit more but don’t want to drop a pile of cash for a fancier camera like a DSLR?
You get a camera case for your iPhone!
Below are all the iPhone camera cases and iPhone lens systems that we’ve reviewed. We’ve put in countless hours using the products and doing the reviews, so we’re pretty confident that you’re going to find the right set of lenses for your iPhone.
We will warn you that the Best iPhone 6 camera cases for you will be based on the type of photographer you as. Some cases fare better as an iPhone videography case while others suit the methodical photographer who carefully frames their shots. If you need a bit more help, scroll to the bottom of this post, and we’ll give out a couple of suggestions based on our experience with each product.
Check out our “The Best iPhone Accessories” post if you’re wondering what we think are the top picks for slim, tough, bumper and waterproof iPhone cases.
The Best iPhone 6 Camera Cases
(Select multiple protectors to compare by pressing on each image)
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The Best iPhone 6 Camera Cases
(Select multiple protectors to compare by pressing on each image)
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The Best iPhone 6 camera case for:
The Action Junkie – HitCase Snap
The Lens Snob – Moment Lens
The person who actually wants a point & shoot camera – Moment Case
Somebody who has a lonely tripod – Bitplay Snap! Pro
The person who is on the move – Ztylus Z-Prime
Have questions about our “The Best iPhone 6 camera cases” post? Please ask them on our Google+ page or our Facebook page or our About Us page.