The iMOS Solid EX 3D is definately stronger than other screen protectors
iMOS Solid EX 3D Review – Great product. One of our favourites.
Today we’re going to do a review of the IMOS Solid EX. This is a full-faced, edge to edge screen protector that theoretically uses Corning glass which is basically chemically strengthened glass. This is our second time reviewing this product as their installation process wasn’t clear on the last step which required you to use a dust removal sticker to remove the unmarked adhesive in the middle of the screen protector.
The strenght of the class is what makes this product shine. Unlike regular tempered glass screen protectors, the Solid ED 3D doesn’t show any chips and cracks after our long review period. However, bubbling may be an issue for certain screen protectors as one of our viewers said that it won’t fully stick to the iPhone. We’ve come across that on our iPhone 6 but multiple installs on an iPhone 6s Plus went flawlessly so we’re not sure what the issue is.
For our iMOS Solid EX 3D Review, we’ve given this screen protector a score of 4 Eh’s out of 5 which is a little higher than the average for all the screen protectors that we’ve reviewed. If you’re looking for other full edge to edge screen protectors, check out the Cinder by Cupert, the Moshi iVisor glass and the Thanotech E2E glass. If you need other screen protector alternatives, check out our comparison tool.
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Design – Best install instructions ever
In terms of design, the iMOS Solid EX 3D will not chip along the edges easily like a regular tempered glass screen protector. After six weeks of usage, the Solid EX didn’t show any scratches or cracks, even with 2+ re-installs. The corners of this screen protector are rounded which fits the iPhone quite well.
Installation of the screen protector is quite simple as iMOS does a great job with the packaging. The steps are labelled incredibly clearly and its just an easy, awesome process to go through. Just remember, use the dust removal sticker to peel the adhesive off.
Protection – It’ll keep your iPhone safe
Functionality – Gets a little greasy

For our iMOS Solid EX 3D Review, we gave this glass screen protector a score of 4 Eh’s out of 5. Have questions? Please ask them on our Google+ page or our Facebook page or our About Us page.

February 1, 2016 at 9:47 am
Hi Aaron, did you remove the middle plastic layer to expose the adhesive? Please check following video at 1:36
Aaron Ho
February 1, 2016 at 3:05 pm
I did not. I’ll check when I get home.