Looking for Galaxy S7 cases?
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Below are all the guides we have for the iPhone 6. The lists below represent over 700 hours of testing, dropping and reviewing iPhone accessories so you can be confident that the products we’ve listed in them are rock solid.
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Top 10 Guides for iPhone 6 accessories
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June 17, 2016 at 3:38 pm
MobileReviews has been extremely helpful in choosing a case for my new iPhone 6: the Rhinoshield screen protector and PlayProof case (ordered but not received). This combination promises to provide an exceptional level of protection.
However the device I use constantly is not an iPhone, but an iPod G6 in a Griffin All-Terrain case. I can tolerate the bulkiness of the All Terrain, but I am continually frustrated by the screen protector which is sporadically unresponsive and has to be reseated, and by the tackiness of the outer cover which makes insertion and removal from a pocket a struggle.
The Rhinoshield system would be ideal, but like so many case manufacturers these days, they ignore the iPod market. Have you any suggestions.
July 31, 2016 at 9:52 am
So I’m looking for a case that can stand water … While having my ear buds plugged in and can be charged by the sun … Does that exist ? And if not … why not ? Am I asking too much ?
If I can’t drop my phone in water (mostly a pool … Not a toilet) that has chemicals … And apple offers $299 to replace bc the chemicals will over time damage the phone and ur wireless service can charge up to $799 for a replacement (in my case a replacement of a replacement) … Do I need to go to wireless headphones while getting a tan … Thus the solar powered headphones (which don’t exist … But u could make a ton of money off of and is enviromentaly friendly and a cell phone that charges off of light / sun … Which doesn’t exist … And a charger case that we pay money for that is solar powered … Which exist but is only available at Radio Shack ) would be a good invention
2nd question … Is the quick charge worth it ? And why do u have to pay extra for the Lightning USB ? I mean … U should be able to use ur regular iPhone USB with the Kwick Charge technology … Right ?
Too many ?’s I know … So sorry
September 5, 2017 at 8:09 pm
It would be great to have table of the cases’ weight and HxLxW for the thin cases to see if any real differences. Nice site. Thanks.